The Gazette 1908-9

THE GAZETTE Jnr0rp0rateir OF THE 0f

February, 1909.

Vol. II, No. 8.]


Certificates. Two applications by solicitors to take out first certificates were submitted and granted. Court of Examiners. .A report from the Court of Examiners upon petitions of two law clerks seeking leave to be bound under section 16 was submitted; one application was granted, and the other was refused. Preliminary Examination. A memorial from a law clerk, under section 18, for a modified preliminary examination was considered, and it was decided not to oppose the application. Costs Committee. A report from the Costs Committee giving decisions upon two queries was submitted and adopted. The first query asked how the costs of the mortgagor's solicitor, payable by the mortgagee, should be drawn under the following circumstances :—Mortgage dated the 9th December, 1907, was given by A. to B. to secure ^30 on two farms purchased under Land Purchase Acts, the titles to which were registered under the Local Registration of Title Act. The mortgage was repayable in two instalments, but A, having sold one of the farms, it became necessary to pay off the entire mortgage before the second instalment became due, and a form of receipt was sent by the solicitor of A. to the solicitor of B. for perfection by B., and was duly perfected by B. The answer of the Council was that the costs should be drawn as in the schedule of fees in proceedings before the Land Judge. The second query asked how the costs of lessor's solicitor, payable by the lessee, should be drawn in the case of a lease of zoth August, 1908, of house and premises for

Meetings of the Council.

January THE Council met upon Wednesday, the ijth January. The President (Mr. W. J. Shannon) in the Chair, and twenty-three other members being present. Four Courts Yard. A communication was read from the Board of Works in reply, stating that new lanterns would be supplied for the lamps in the Inner A letter was read from a member of the profession in reference to the taxation of costs by arbitrators under the Labourers (Ireland) Act, and the matter was referred to the Costs Committee for consideration. Canvassing for Business. A letter was read from a country member of the profession, enclosing a letter which had been addressed to a client of his, by another solicitor who had never acted for the client, requesting the client to instruct him to furnish to the Rural District Council proof of his title to lands acquired from him under the Labourers (Ireland) Act, and stating that same would be done free of expense to him. It was resolved to request an explanation from the solicitor against whom the complaint had been made. Apprentices. An application by an apprentice who had passed his Final Examination under section 25 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, to sanc tion his having acted as Deputy Registrar for a Clerk of the Peace at a revision of voters' list was considered, and it was resolved not to oppose the application. Yard of the Four Courts. Labourers (Ireland) Act.

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