The Gazette 1908-9


Vol. II, No.

May, 1908.


Land Act Committee. A Report from the Land Act Committee recommending the Council to request the Registrar of Titles to receive a deputation from the Council to discuss the working of the Registration of Titles Office, was adopted. Apprentices' Debating Society. It was resolved that the subject for the Society's Gold Medal for Composition to be competed for by members of the Apprentices' Debating Society for the current year should be "The Position of Women, Social and Political." Coflee-Room Passage. It was resolved that the Court and Offices Committee should consider and report if any means can be devised to improve the lighting of the passage to the coffee-room. The Council adjourned. The Council met upon Wednesday, the agth April, the President (Mr. Lyster) in the Chair, and twenty-six other members were present. Finance. Cheques for ^250 zs., half-yearly accounts, recommended for payment by the Finance Committee, were ordered to be drawn and paid. Labourers (Ireland) Act. The President informed the Council that he had received a communication from the Vice- President of the Local Government Board, requesting him to conferwith the Vice-President in reference to the subject of taxation of costs of owners for proving title to lands acquired under the Act, and that he had accordingly had an interview with the Vice-President, and had pointed out to him the objections to the

Meetings of the Council. THE Council met upon Wednesday, the isth April, the President (Mr. Lyster) in the Chair, and twenty-four other members being present. Secretary's Assistants. The Council received with deep regret the announcement of the death of Henry A. Sadleir, who for twenty-five years had been an assistant in the office of the Secretary. The Council directed an expression of their sympathy to be conveyed to the widow and family of the deceased. The Council promoted W. F. Aylward to the senior clerkship in the Secre– tary's office, and appointed T. B. Cooley to the junior clerkship. Society's Gazette. A letter was read from Mr. E. Ponsonby, giving particulars of the expenditure in con– nexion with the publication of the Society's GAZETTE for one year. The Council decided to continue the publication of the GAZETTE, and it was referred to the Gazette Committee to make the necessary arrangements. Workmen's Compensation Act. Replies were submitted from Clerks of the Peace as to the procedure under the Workmen's Compensation Act where an employer admits his liability and desires to lodge money in Court, no proceedings having been taken against him. The replies were referred to the County Courts Committee for consideration. Lectures. An application by an apprentice who had attended Michaelmas and Hilary Junior Lec– tures of the Session 1906-07, but owing to illness had not then completed his year's lectures, and now sought leave to attend Easter and Trinity, 1908, Lectures, was con– sidered, and the application was granted.

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