The Gazette 1908-9
DEC., 1908]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
thereof the allowance for the perusal of deeds for the purpose of preparing the said affidavit of title should be 3,?. per skin, being the charge allowed by the said Schedule for perusing deeds for the purpose of preparing an abstract of title, and not at the rate of 2s. per skin, the amount allowed by the taxing officer, being the fee allowed by the said schedule for perus ing deeds for purposes other than an abstract of title. The Judge granted the application. Irish Land Act, 1903. THE REVISED BONUS. THE Dublin Gazette of 24th November con tains the following announcement:— "Whereas by Section 48 (i) of the Irish Land Act, 1903, it is provided that the Land Commission may, out of advances by the National Debt Commissioners from the Land Purchase Aid Fund, pay to the vendor of each estate sold a sum calculated at the rate of 12'per cent, on the amount of the purchase- money advanced under the Land Purchase Acts: "And whereas by Section 48 (3) the Trea sury may revise the percentage above-men tioned for the purpose of adjusting the relation between the unexpended balance of the fund and the claims which may be made upon it. " Now we, being two of the Commissioners of the Treasury, hereby declare that for the purpose of adjusting the relation between the unexpended balance of the fund and the claims which may be made upon it, a rate of 3 per cent, shall be substituted for the above-men tioned rate of 12 per cent. (Signed) Dublin Civil Bill Courts. BY an order of the Lord Lieutenant in Council, dated loth December, 1908, it is directed that from and after the first day of January, 1909, the Court for the hearing of civil bills in the City of Dublin in the month of August shall be discontinued. By a further order of the Lord Lieutenant in Council, dated loth December, 1908, it is directed that from and after the first day of January, 1909, a Court for the hearing of civil "CECIL NORTON. "J. H. WHIXLEY. " 2 3 rd November, 1908."
business for the Division of Kilmainham, in the County of Dublin, shall be held ten times in each year at the Sessions Courthouse, Green Street, Dublin, and that the sittings of the said Court be held with and at the same times as the sittings of the Courts appointed to be held at the said Courthouse for the hearing of civil bills for the city of Dublin in the months of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, October, November, and December. Irish Land Commission. THE following sittings of the Court of the Land Commission for hearing appeals have been provisionally arranged :—Dublin, Janu ary i4th, 1909; Leinster (part of). Waterford, January i pth, 1909; County Waterford. Ennis, January 26th, 1909 ; County Clare (part of). Dublin, February 4th, 1909; Leinster (part of). Sligo, February *9th, 1909; County Sligo and County Leitrim (part of). Dingle, Febru ary 16th, 1909 ; County Kerry (part of). Dublin, February 25th, 1909; Leinster (part of). Belfast, March 2nd, 1909 ; County Antrim and County Down. Cork, March gth, 1909 ; County Cork (part of). Dublin, March i8th, 1909 ; Leinster (part of). Castlerea, March 23rd, 1909 ; County Roscommon (part of). Reported Cases on Costs. THIS book, published byihe Society some years ago, contains a collection of verbatim reprints of the Reports of cases relating to costs decided in Ireland from 1867 to I ^9 I > and also of such of the English cases on the Solicitors' Re muneration Act up to 1891 as are applicable to the law in Ireland. It consists of 735 pages. The remaining copies will be sold at the reduced price of 5.?., postage 6d. extra, and can be obtained from the Secretary of the Society, Four Courts. Hilary Sittings Lectures. PROFESSOR QUIRKE will deliver lectures to the Senior Class upon Real Property, Equity, and Conveyancing on the following dates in Hilary Sittings, 1909:— January I2th, isth, igth, 22nd, 26th, 2gth. February 2nd, 5th, 9th, i2th, i6th,
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