The Gazette 1908-9


The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

items exceeds 100. The receipt of the taxation fee shall be noted in the bill by the taxing officer. (

of the giving proof of title to any plot by such owner or lessee, the bill of costs shall, unless the amount claimed does not exceed £2 is., and the parties have agreed as to the sum to be paid, be submitted to the Board, who shall refer such costs for taxation to a person appointed by them to act as taxing officer, and the sum certified under the hand of such taxing officer shall be the sum payable in respect of such costs. (2) For the purpose of such taxation the procedure to be observed, the taxation fees to be paid, and the costs which may be allowed to owners or lessees, shall be as follows:— (a) The bill of costs shall be forwarded to the Clerk of. the Council, who shall trans mit the same to the Board or their taxing officer after stating by endorsement on the bill the title of the Order authorizing the acquisition of the plot of land affected, as well as the name of the townland and reference number of the plot, the amount of purchase-money or compensation paid in respect of the plot, and whether the land has been taken " compulsorily" or " by agreement." The short abstract or declaration of title as furnished to the Council's solicitor shall also be forwarded. The bill when taxed and certified shall be returned to the Clerk, and the amount certified shall be paid by the Council as soon as practicable to the owner or lessee by whom such costs were incurred : Pro vided that the taxing officer may, before issuing his certificate, in any case where, in his opinion, exceptional circumstances exist, serve notice on the solicitors for the parties to appear before him on a date to be specified in such notice. (V) The taxing officer shall, before proceed ing with any taxation, be paid by the Council a fee of 5^. in respect of any bill of costs not containing more than 50 separate items ; of js. bd. where the num ber of items exceeds 50, but does not ex ceed 100; and los. where the number of

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