The Gazette 1908-9
APRIL, 1909] The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
to the practice in bespeaking Land Certifi cates, Copy Maps, &c., from this Department. ".We are frequently blamed for delay in these matters, which can almost always be attributed to the fact that proper care was not taken by the person bespeaking the required document. " This refers only to the bespeaking of docu ments by post. " Solicitors should understand that the Regis trar and officials of the various offices cannot undertake to make searches on their behalf; and, further, that very frequently it is really unnecessary to bespeak the Land Certificate or copy folio at all, seeing that an inspection of the Register in either the Local or Central Office, and an extract of the required particulars taken by the solicitor, would be sufficient for the purpose of preparing a transfer, or for most other purposes. "It is obviously of importance that the practice in regard to registration of title should become well known to the profession ; and I should, therefore, be obliged if you can devise some method of giving publicity to the above remarks. " I am, sir, "Your obedient servant, " RAYMOND SMITH,. "Chief Clerk. " The Secretary, " Incorporated Law Society, " Four Courts." Circular referred to in the above letter. Registry of Titles, Central Office, Henrietta Street, Dublin, 19 BESPEAKING OF LAND CERTIFICATES, COPY FOLIOS, MAPS, &c. Dear Sir,—Referring to your letter of the I am directed by the Registrar to ask you to be good enough to note that in all applications for Land Certificates,.Copy Folios, Maps, &c., the correct Folio Number must be specified (see Rule 38). Every owner is furnished on registration with a form of requisition for Land Certificate, in which the Folio Number and other parti culars are given. Should this form not be forthcoming, before bespeaking a Land Certi ficate the Register must always be inspected to ascertain whether a Land Certificate has already been issued, and, if not, whether the case comes within the provisions of section 49 of
Bradley, of 11 Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1904, and practised formerly at No. 5, and latterly at No. 13, Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin.
New Solicitors. ADMISSIONS DURING MARCH, 1909.
Name. Johnson, John, Kerley, Patrick J.,
Served apprenticeship to John C. Coates, Belfast. A. N. Sheridan, Dunclalk, and Charles J. M'Gabon, Dunclalk.
Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1906. THE Local Government Board, owing to the decision in the case of The King {filowbray and Stourtoti) v. The Local Government Board, have intimated that in that case, and in a number of other cases brought xinder their attention, the costs of the owner of proving title to lands acquired under the Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1906, may be taxed before one of the Taxing Masters of the High Court, or, in the alterna tive, that such costs may be paid as agreed upon between the solicitor for the District Council and the solicitor for the owner. Results of Intermediate Examination. AT the Intermediate Examination, held upon the ist March, the following apprentices passed the examination :— Cooney, William J. Moon, James T. Three Candidates attended ; two passed, one was postponed. Registry of Titles Office. THE following is the letter referred to in the Council minutes of the 24th March :— " HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN IRELAND. " Chancery Division. " Land Judges. " Local Registration of Title (Ireland). " Central Office, Henrietta Street, " Dublin, " 2nd March, 1909. " PRACTICE. " Sir,—I should be obliged if you would give publicity to the enclosed circular with reference
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