The Gazette 1907-8


Vol. I, No. 5.]

November, 1907.


as the will of the deceased solicitor was being contested, were submitted ; and it was resolved to consent to the application being granted. The sending of a memorial to.the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury, urging upon behalf of the profession the appointment of a member of the solicitors' profession to the office of Solicitor to the Inland Revenue in Ireland, was approved of, as also was the transmission of copies of the memorial to various persons likely to have influence in the matter. A report from the Court of Examiners recommending that an application by an ap prentice to be deemed to have been such a clerk as is contemplated by section 16 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, when he entered into indentures in the year 1905, should be refused, was considered and adopted. A Committee was appointed to prepare the annual report of the Council. The new rules issued by the Estates Com missioners upon the zgth August, regulating procedure under sections i to 23, under the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1903, were under lengthened consideration, and were referred to the Land Act Committee for further considera tion at an early date. The Council met upon Wednesday, the i6th October, 1907; the President (Mr. W. S. Hayes) in the chair, and nineteen other mem bers present. A letter from the Secretary of the Irish Land Commission, acknowledging the receipt of the representations of the Council under the Rules Publication Act, 1893, relative to the Estates Commissioners' rules published upon the 3oth of August last, was read.

Meetings of the Council. THE Council met upon Wednesday, the 2nd day of October; the President (Mr. W. S. Hayes) in the chair, and sixteen other mem bers present. A letter was read from a solicitor resident in the country, asking for an expression of opinion from the Council relative to the action of another solicitor resident in the country having tendered for legal work in connexion with a Labourers' Scheme, in response to an advertisement issued by a District Council inviting tenders from solicitors to perform that work, and the amount of the tender of the solicitor being considerably under what he would be entitled to charge under the rules of the Local Government Board, pursuant to the Labourers (Ireland) Act, 1906. It appearing that the solicitor who wrote to the Council, and who had been for some years the solicitor to the District Council in question, had himself also sent in a tender in response to the advertisement, the Council directed a reply to be sent to him stating that, as the Council disapproves of solicitors sending in any tender in response to such an advertise ment, they would offer no other expression of opinion upon the matter to which he drew attention. The use of the Hall of the Society was granted to the Solicitors' Apprentices' Debat ing Society to hold its inaugural meeting in for the coming Session. An application of a solicitor to take out his first certificate was submitted and granted. Notices of motion to the Lord Chancellor, upon behalf of two apprentices to a deceased solicitor, for orders directing the assignment of their indentures, owing to the fact that the executrix was unable to execute the assignment,

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