The Gazette 1907-8

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of h-eland.

[MAY, 1907


Stubbs' Commercial Year Book and Gazette . Index for 1906. 1907. Waterlow Bros, and Layton's Legal Diary and Almanac for 1907. Williams (J.): Law of Personal Property. 16th ed. 1906. Willis (W. A.): Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906. gth ed. 1907. Solicitors' Benevolent Association. THE Directors met upon the i7th April. Mr. Fry in the chair, and seventeen other Directors being present. The Secretary reported receipt of .^,2 9 8s. since last meeting, making total amount of ^401 zs. of annual subscrip– tions received during current year. Grants amounting to £52 IDS. were made to the following: ;£io to widow of a solicitor, £,l^ IDS. to widow of a solicitor, £10 to widow of a solicitor, ^15 to widow of a solicitor, and ^5 to daughter of a deceased solicitor. An election to fill the vacancy for the " James Weir " annuity of £30 will be held in June. Meetings of the Directors of the Association will be held upon the 5th day of June, and the 3rd day of July. The following solicitors have joined the Association since the ist January:

Chalmers (Sir M. D.) and D. Aden: Marine Insurance Act, 1906. 1907. Chandler (P. W.): Accounts of Executors and Trustees. 2 vols. 1906. Clarke (Sir E.): Law of Extradition. 3rd ed. 1903. Dublin University Calendar, 1906-1907. Vols n. and in. 1907. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents. Vol. xni. 1907. Encyclopaedia of the Laws of England. 2nd ed. Vol. in. 1907. Farran (E. C.): Game Laws of Ireland. 1907. Irish Local Government Quarterly Orders and Decisions. Vol. v. 1906. Johnston (W. J.) : Handbook on the Labourers Acts. 1907. Law List for 1907. Local and Private Acts, 1906. Magisterial Cases reported in " The Justice of the Peace." Vol. xn., Part i. 1907. Maguire (J.): Registration of Deeds, &c. New ed. 1906. May (Sir J. E.): Law, Privileges ... of Parliament, nthed. 1906. Moore (E. J.): Law of Charities in Ireland. 1906. New South Wales Law Almanac, 1907. Onslow (H. Hughes ): Lawyer's Manual of Book-keeping. 1906. Palmer (F. B.): The Revised Table A. 1906. Shareholders' Directors' Legal Com– panion. 1905. Pollock (Sir F.): Law of Partnership, 8th ed. 1905. Public General Acts. 1906. Revised Reports, The: Vol. LXXXVIII. 1850- 1852. 1907. Roberts (J.): Divorce Bills in the Imperial Parliament. 1906. Royal University of Ireland. Examination Papers, 1906. 1907. Scottish Law List for 1907. Solicitors' Remuneration Act, 1881 : The General Order, Decisions, and Opinions of the Council of the Law Society. 5th ed. 1906. Strahan (J. A.I and G. H. B. Kenrick: Digest of Equity. 1905.

John J. Duggan, Carlow. William H. Halpin, Cavan. J. C. Ryan, Clonmel. M. E. Fitzgerald, Mallow. William H. Nason, Dublin. Hastings D. Draper, Dublin. Laurence J. O'Neill, Dublin.

F. Cullinan, Ennis. J. G. Perry, Dublin. J. G. Franks, Dublin.

Thomas G. Quirke, Dublin. William C. Gage, Dublin. Edward E. Brady, Dublin. John F. Dunwoody, Monaghan. J. I. Donaghy, Belfast.

Solicitors desiring to become Life or Annual Members of the Association can obtain all information from the Secretary, F. C. Earle Bland, 10, St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, to whom subscriptions should be sent. Ten Guineas constitutes Life Membership, and One Guinea is the subscription for an Annual Member.

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