The Gazette 1907-8
MAR., 1908]
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
Irish Land Act, 1903. THE Estates Commissioners have issued a specimen map and schedule of areas, which they have had prepared for the guidance of those who are carrying out sales of estates under the Irish Land Act of 1903. The specimen map and schedule of areas illustrate in detail the manner in which the Commis sioners' Rules as to maps, &c., should be com plied with, and they can be purchased for one shilling from Mr. E. Ponsonby, 18 Nassau Street, Dublin, the agent in Ireland for the sale of Government publications. The Land Commission. THE following Sittings of the Court of the Land Commission for hearing Appeals have been provisionally arranged :— Dublin, April 22nd ; Leinster (part of). Belfast, April 28th; Counties Down and Antrim. Ennis, May sth; County Clare (part of). Limerick, Mayizth; County Limerick and Counties Clare and Tipperary (parts of). Cork, May i2th ; County Cork (part of). Kilkenny, June 2nd ; County Kilkenny. Dublin, June nth ; Leinster (part of). Armagh, June igth ; County Armagh. Dublin, June zsth; Leinster (part of). Killarney, June 3oth ; County Kerry and County Cork (part of). Dublin, July gth; Leinster (part of). Dublin, July i6th; Leinster (part of). Solicitors' Benevolent Association. A MEETING of the Directors was held on the 26th of February at the Association's Rooms, Four Courts, Dublin, Mr. William Fry (in the Chair) and eleven others being present. The minutes of last meeting having been read and confirmed, the Secretary reported having received since last meeting the sum oi £11 6 us., making the total annual subscrip tions received since ist January last, ^41.1 us. The Secretary also reported having received a donation of £10 los. from Mr. Richard S. Reeves. Mr. Fry was re-elected chairman, Sir George Roche vice-chairman, and Mr.Jellett honorary secretary, for the current year. The directors then proceeded to consider the various cases for relief, and made grants
to four applicants, amounting in all to lew., bringing the amount afforded in relief since the ist of January up to ^£155 IGJ. A letter from Mr. J. Dunville Coates, Solicitor, Belfast, was read, suggesting that the Association should communicate with the Northern Law Society, asking them to appoint a Sub-Committee to further the objects of the Association in Belfast. This suggestion was adopted, with the result that a Sub-Committee, consisting of Messrs. J. Dunville Coates, Martin H. Turnbull, Stanley Ferguson, and Martin J. Burke, was appointed; and it is hoped that their efforts will lead to a large increase in the membership of the Association in Belfast. The report of the scrutineers as to the result of the election for a candidate to an annuity °f £ 1 5 was submitted, and No. 2 on the voting paper, the widow of a solicitor, having received the highest number of votes, was duly elected: and, after transacting some further routine business, the meeting adjourned. The following have joined the Association since ist January, 1908 :— W. G. Towers, Dublin. • • Florence A. Greene, Dublin.
Leonard Webb, Dublin. Louis Montfort, Dublin. Penrose C. Morris, Dublin. Richard T. Holmes, Dublin. Joseph Tierney, Dublin. P. J. Meehan, Maryborough. James Rogers, Tullamore. Patrick T. Liston, Rathkeale. Thomas W. Wright, Clonakilty. Frederick W. White, Belfast.
Hunter Moore, Newry. John Mackay, Carlow.
Meetings of the Directors of the Solicitors' Benevolent Association will be held upon the following dates :—April i5th. June 3rd. Additions to the Library during January and February, 1908. Belfast and Province of Ulster Directory for 1908. 8vo. Belfast, 1907. Beven (T.): Negligence in Law. 3rd ed. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1908. Dowell (S.): Acts relating to the Income Tax. Sixth edition byj. E. Piper. 8vo. London, 1908.
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