The Gazette 1907-8

[FEB., 1908

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.


A Report from the Costs Committee was submitted and adopted. A Report from the Parliamentary Committee relative to the clause in the Dublin Corpora tion (various powers) Bill, 1908, which pro posed to increase the jurisdiction of the Dublin Court of Conscience, was submitted and adopted; and it was resolved that a petition against that clause of the Bill be sealed and lodged. The Council adjourned until the izth prox. Council Meetings. MEETINGS of the Council will be held upon the following dates :— February izth and a6th. March nth and 25th. Committee Meetings. THE following Committee Meetings were held during January:— County Courts, loth. Gazette, i3th. Land Act, ijth. Parliamentary, lyth. Costs, lyth. Land Act, zznd. County Courts, 2}rd. Court of Examiners, 27111. New Members. THE following have joined the Society during January:— Brown, J. Barry, Dublin and Naas. Lyons, Frederick J., Dublin.

Memorials from two apprentices for assign ments of their Indentures were submitted and sanctioned. Affidavits of four Solicitors in support of applications for their first certificates were submitted, and the applications were granted. The Council adjourned. The Council met upon Wednesday, the zgth January. The President (Mr. George H. Lyster) in the Chair, and twenty-one other members present. A letter was read from the Galway Sessions Bar, enclosing resolution of that Bar, urging the appointment of a solicitor to the office of Resident Magistrate, and asking the Council to urge the claims of the profession upon the Government. The following resolution was adopted, and copies were directed to be sent to the Government:— "The Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, understanding that there is a vacancy in the office of Resident Magistrate, and as suitable members of the solicitors' profession are candidates for the office, respectfully urge the claims of the profession to such appointment upon the Government." Affidavits were submitted in support of applications from six solicitors for renewals of their annual certificates. Orders were made granting four of these applications, and two were postponed for further consideration. A report from the Court of Examiners, giving results of the January Preliminary and Final Examinations, was submitted and adopted; and a further report from the Court of Examiners, recommending the Council to grant an appli cation by a law clerk for liberty to be bound under section 16 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, was adopted. A letter was read from Mr. Justice Wylie, referring to a new regulation, whereby vendors' solicitors can get over the difficulty created by their having entered in their schedules of documents of title more documents than were required to prove primafacie title, and express ing a hope that this regulation would meet the views of the Council. It was thereupon de cided that it was not necessary, at present, for the intended deputation to interview the Judge. A Report from the County Courts Com mittee in reference to the Civil Bill Courts (Dublin) Bill, to be introduced in the coming Session, was submitted and adopted.

Read, William, Dublin. Roche, James, Omagh. Ross, Samuel, Belfast.

Commissioners for Oaths.

THE Lord Chancellor, 1908, appointed the following to be commissioners to administer oaths :— Patrick Connell, Clerk of Urban District Council, Kells. in January,

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