The Gazette 1907-8
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society ot Ireland.
[Nov., 1907
of Kerry, the County of Cork, the County of •the City of Cork, and the County of Tipperary, rNorth Riding and South Riding, shall be united together and form one county under the name of the Munster Winter Assize County. The Leinster Winter Assizes shall be held in Wicklovv. The County of Kilkenny, Queen's County, King's County, the County of Meath, the County of Westmeath, the County of Louth, the County of Longford, the County of Wicklow, the County of Kildare, the County of Wexford, and the County of Carlow shall be oinited and form one county under the name of the Leinster Winter Assize County. The Connaught Winter Assizes shall be held in Limerick. The County of Leitrim, the County of Galway, the County of Mayo, the County of Roscommon, the County of Sligo, the County of Clare, the County of Limerick, and the County of the City of Limerick shall be united together and form one county under the name of the Connaught Winter Assize County. The following dates have been fixed for the opening of the Winter Assizes :— ULSTER.—At Belfast, Tuesday, December 3rd, at twelve o'clock noon. Judge.— The Hon. Mr. Justice Dodd. Registrar.— Mr. Huston Dodd, 26 Fitzwilliam Square, Dublin. MDNSTKR.—At Cork, Tuesday, December 3rd. Judge.—The Right Hon. The Lord Chief Justice. Registrar.— Mr. T. W. Butler Kearney, i Upper Hatch Street, Dublin. LEINSTER.—At Wicklow, Monday, December znd, at 12.30 o'clock p.m. fudge.—The Right Hon. The Lord Chief •Baron. Registrar. —Mr. Arthur Robinson, 54 Park Avenue, Sandymount, Co. Dublin. CONNAUGHT.—At Limerick, Tuesday, Decem ber 3rd, at eleven o'clock a.m. Judge.— The Rt. Hon. Mr. Justice Andrews. Registrar.— Mr. Jas. T. Andrews, i Waterloo Road, Dublin.
Additions to Library, THE following books have been added to the Library of the Society since the ist August, 1907:— Army List, The Monthly. October, 1907. Encyclopaedia of the Laws ofEngland, znd ed. vols. 5 and 6. 1907. Hanna (H.) : Law of Workmen's Compensa tion, with the Irish Rules and Forms. 1907. Matthews (J. B.)andH. M. Adler: Law relating to Covenants in Restraint of Trade, znd ed. 1907. Quill (A. W.), F. P. Hamilton, and E. V. Longworth : The Town Tenants (Ireland) Act, 1906. 1907. Revised Reports, The; vols. 91 and 92 (1851- Roscoe (H.): Law of Evidence on the Trial of Actions at Nisi Prius. i8th ed. 2 vols. 1907. Solicitors' Benevolent Association. A' MEETING of the Directors was held upon 301)1 October at the Four Courts, Mr. William Fry, J.P., in the chair. The minutes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed, the Secretary reported having received since last meeting the sum of £29 8s., making the total annual subscriptions received since ist January last, .£484 is. The Directors then proceeded to consider the various cases for relief, and made grants to four applicants, amounting in all to ^65, bringing the amount afforded in relief since ist of January up to .£528 $s. Meetings of the Association will be held upon 27th November and 4th and nth December. Solicitors' Apprentices' Debating Society. SESSION 1907-1908. THE following are the Officers of the Society for the year :— President— The President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. Vice-Presidents— Sir George Roche ; William Fry, Esq., J.P. ; George Collins, Esq. Auditor— Henry Shannon.
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