The Gazette 1907-8
Vol. I, No. 4.]
August, 1907.
A report from the Costs Committee upon queries arising between two solicitors, and submitted for decision of the Council, was considered and adopted. The Evicted Tenants (Ireland) Bill, brought in by the Chief Secretary for Ireland, was referred to the Land Act Committee for report. The Council met on Wednesday, the i?th of July; Mr. James Henry, Vice-President (in the chair), and twenty-three other members were present. It was decided to write to the Comptroller, Inland Revenue, asking him to make arrange ments so that guaranteed cheques of solicitors should be accepted at the Stamp Office, in the Four Courts, in the same manner as they are accepted at the Custom House, in payment of Crown duties. A letter was read from an apprentice, who had been postponed for his Final Examination until May, 1908, owing to the impropriety of certain answers sent in by him at the last May Final Examination, expressing his regret, and apologizing for his action, and urging the Council to reconsider their decision. Having regard to the apology expressed, the Council resolved to permit the apprentice to present himself for Final Examination next October. An application by a solicitor, admitted in 1902, for liberty to take out his first certificate, he having been an assistant for the past five years, was considered and granted. A report from the Court of Examiners, giving the results of July Intermediate Examination, was submitted and adopted. A report from the Labourers (Ireland) Act Committee, submitting a memorandum for publication in THE GAZETTE, was submitted; and having been amended, was adopted.
Meetings of the Council. THE Council met on Wednesday, the 3rd of July ; the President (Mr. W. S. Hayes) in the chair, and twenty-four other members were present. The following letter, from the Assistant Registrar, Principal Registry, King's Bench Division (Probate), was read :— une, 1907. "DEAR SIR, " As it may be of importance to the soli citors' profession, I write to inform you that under a warrant of the Master of the Rolls, dated the loth May, 1907, the books of English and Scotch Calendars of Grants issued in those countries, which books are dated from 1859 t° 1886, both inclusive, have been transferred to the Deputy Keeper of Public Records in Ireland. " Yours very truly, " JACOB T. GHOGHEGAN, " Assistant Registrar. " The Secretary, " Incorporated Law Society of " Ireland. " P.S.—The English and Scotch Calendars, from 1887 down to the present, are with us ; but as they from year to year overstep the twenty years' limit, they will be transferred to the Public Record Office." An application by a solicitor for renewal of his annual certificate under section 47 was submitted and granted. A report from the Parliamentary Committee submitting a memorandum for publication in THE GAZETTE, in reference to Prevention of Corruption Act, 1906, was considered, and the memorandum, as settled by the Council, was directed to be published in THE GAZETTE.
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