The Gazette 1907-8
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
[JULY, 1907
New Solicitors.
Solicitors' Apprentices' Debating Society. OFFICERS FOR THE SESSION 1907-1908. THE election of Officers and Committee for the Session 1907-1908 took place on 24th June, and resulted as follows:— President— The President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. Vice-Presidents— Sir George Roche ; William Fry, Esq., J.P. ; George Collins, Esq. Auditor— Henry Shannon. Hon. Secretary— Hugh O'Brien Moran, 75 Lower Leeson Street, Dublin. Hon. Librarian— Samuel W. Evans, Esq., B.L. Committee— J. M. Cullinane ; J. Barry Brown ; M. Quin; J. F. D'Arcy ; J. C. Geoghegan; S. McConrigg ; The Ex-Auditor. Hon. Treasurer— Charles J. Reddy. Hon. Registrar— Edna B. Healy. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTE (other than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin. THE GAZETTE will accept advertisements for sale and purchase of propert}', loans, securities offered, and money for investments on mort gages, partnerships, clerkships, and generally such advertisements as would be of service to the members of the Society and the Profession. Communications as to advertisements should be addressed to Messrs. Ponsonby, 116 Grafton Street, Dublin.
Name. Brown, John Bany, Clay, Robert Henry K.eatiug, Felton, Edward, Palmer, John Richard, Porter. George Magill, Uprichard, William John, Weir, John Shepherd, Wiley, Samuel,
Served apprenticeship to Stephen J. Brown, Naas. R. Keating Clay and Geo. Collins, Dublin. Isaac Molloy, Dublin. Benjamin Barrington, Limerick. Robert J. Porter, Belfast. Joseph Lyness, Belfast. William Wilson, Strabane. Francis J. Bigger, Belfast.
Solicitors' Benevolent Association. MEETINGS of the Directors will be held upon the following dates :— July 3rd. October 3oth. Examinations and Lectures. THE following are the dates of Solicitors' Apprentices' Examinations to be held during the remaining portion of 1907 :— October 7th.—Intermediate. October 8th and gth.—Preliminary. October loth and iith.—Final.
Published by EDWARD PONSONBT, 116, Grafton Street, Dublin.
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