The Gazette 1907-8
THE GAZETTE OF THE !nmrp0rateir Ifafo j&otitty 0f
July, 1907.
Vol. I, No. 3.]
cation of an apprentice to be deemed to have been a clerk within the terms of section 16 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, at the time of his entering into his indentures, should be granted. A letter from the Honorary Secretary, Dublin Chamber of Commerce, was read, enclosing the terms of reference to the Bankruptcy Law Amendment Committee appointed by the President of the Board of Trade to consider the laws at present in force in the United Kingdom in relation to Bankruptcy proceed ings. The matter was referred to a Special Committee of the Council for consideration. A letter in reply from a firm of solicitors was read, giving full particulars of an alleged breach of professional etiquette on the part of a solicitor in canvassing for business. The Council resolved that, in their opinion, the explanation of the solicitor in question was satisfactory, and that the firm of solicitors be so informed. A resolution from the Northern Law Society was read, requesting the Council to prepare and present to the House of Commons a Memorial, to be signed by all Irish solicitors, protesting against the payment of Solicitors' Certificate Duty, and requesting its abolition ; and a Memorial from -twenty-six solicitors, practising in the County Monaghan, was also read, asking the Council to call a Special Meeting of the solicitors of Ireland to consult together and decide upon the best methods to adopt in order to achieve success in the matter of the abolition of Certificate Duty ; both were referred to the Parliamentary Com mittee to deal with. An application by an apprentice, bound for five years, to be deemed to have been a clerk ' within the terms of section 16 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, at the time of entering into
Meetings of the Council. THE Council met on Wednesday, the sth of June ; the President (Mr. W. S. Hayes) in the chair, and twenty-three other members were present. A suggestion from a member as to obtaining an additional book on Registration of Title for the Library was referred to the Library Committee. A report from the Court of Examiners giving results of May Preliminary and Final Examina tions was submitted and adopted. A further report from the Court of Examiners drawing the attention of the Council to the answers sent in by Candidate No. 14, at the Final Examination, to papers in Chancery and Lunacy Practice, Land Judge and Land Com mission Practice, and Bankruptcy Practice, was considered ; and the Council resolved that, on account of the impropriety of the answers, the Candidate should not be again permitted to present himself for Final Examination before May, 1908. A further report from the Court of Ex aminers, making the following recommenda tions, was considered and adopted :—(i) That the Council should alter Regulation No. 29 of the Regulations under the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898,- so as to provide that at, and after, the Final Examination to be held in January, 1908, Candidates should be permitted to take either Bankruptcy or Criminal Law as an optional subject; the subject of Book-keeping being made compulsory at the Final Examina tion in and after January, 1908. (2) That there should be no alteration in the allocation of marks for the subjects at the Final Exami nation, as there would be no addition to the number of such subjects consequent upon the alteration in Rule No. 29. (3) That the appli
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