The Gazette 1907-8

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

JUNE, 1907]

proceedings consequential thereon, shall not apply in any case where the accident happened before the commencement of this Act. Section 13. In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires, "Employer " includes any body of persons corporate, or unincorporate, and the legal personal representative of a deceased employer, and, where the services of a workman are temporarily lent or let on hire to another person by the person with whom the workman has entered into a contract of service or apprenticeship, the latter shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to continue to be the employer of the workman whilst he is working for that other person. "Workman" does not include any person employed otherwise than by way of manual labour whose remuneration exceeds two hundred and fifty pounds a year, or a person whose employment is of a casual nature, and who is employed otherwise than for the purposes of the employer's trade or business, or a member of a police force, or an out worker, or a member of the employer's family dwelling in his house, but, save as aforesaid, means any person who has entered into or works under a contract of service or apprentice ship with an employer, whether by way of manual labour, clerical work, or otherwise, and whether the contract is express or implied, is oral or in writing. Land Judge's Court. THE following new rule has been made pur suant to the yth section of the Supreme Court of judicature (Ireland) Act, 1877, by the Lord Chancellor and the Land Judge :— "The Accountant-General shall, after the expiration of six months from the lodgment, without any order or request, place on Deposit Receipt all sums of cash not less than fifty pounds lodged in Court in the Land Judge's Division, unless the Judge shall otherwise direct, or a request that same shall not be dealt with, ^signed by the party or the solicitor having carriage of the matter in which same shall have been lodged, shall be left with the Accountant-General. "Dated this i4th day of May, 1907. (Signed) " S. WALKER, C. "JOHN Ross."

Bankruptcy Sales. REGULATIONS AS TO COSTS, ETC. THE following Rules have been approved by Mr. Justice Boyd :— 1. When the Solicitor for the Mortgagees has carriage of the sale of mortgaged property, he shall pay all the necessary and proper fees and costs payable to the Solicitor for the Assignees in relation to the Purchase Deed and the execution thereof, and shall include th'em in his own Bill of Costs relating to such sale. He shall also cause a copy of the Pur chase Deed to be placed on the file of pro ceedings in the matter, and charge the costs of making and filing such copy in his said Bill of Costs.. 2. When the Solicitor for the Assignees has carriage of the sale of mortgaged property, he shall include all similar items (whether payable to himself or to another Solicitor appointed to represent the estate) in his Bill of Costs relating to the sale and payable out of the proceeds of such sale. He shall also file a copy of the Purchase Deed, and charge the costs thereof in his said Bill of Costs. These directions shall apply (in the absence of any order or consent made a Rule of Court to the contrary) whether the proceeds of the sale shall be sufficient to pay the mortgage debt (or debts) or otherwise, and the Solicitor, for the Assignees shall not include in his General Bill of Costs any items that should be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of the mortgaged property under the above directions. 3. Item Number 98 in the Schedule of Costs and Fees shall apply to sittings or meetings required to be held by the Statutes or General Rules, or before the Chief Registrar under a special order of the Court, but shall not apply to other appointments which appear in the Lists of the Chief Registrar or other officer, which shall be dealt with under Item 72. NOTE.—Items Nos. 98 and 72 are as follows :— Attendances. No. 98.—On sitting or meeting when busi

ness is transacted thereat, except sitting for Audit, or for Audit and Dividend, .. ..


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No. 72.—Before Chief Registrar or other Officer on Motion of Course and for Order,.. .. ..


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