The Gazette 1907-8
The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.
APRIL, 1908]
IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN IRELAND. KING'S BENCH DIVISION (IN BANKRUPTCY). IT is ordered that the regulations of the zoth day of December, 1907, in reference to the costs on sale of mortgaged property and fees for attendance before the Chief Registrar, be rescinded as of and from the zoth day of December, 1907, and that the regulations of the 25th day of February, 1907, in reference to said costs and fees be restored as of and from the zoth day of December, 1907. And it is further ordered that the regulations of the 2oth day of December, 1907, in reference to the costs of adjournments be rescinded as of and from the zoth day of December, 1907. The terms of item 100, Part v., Bankruptcy Costs, &c., Appendix S. of the Rules of the Supreme Court (Ireland), 1905, are to be strictly observed by the Taxing Officers in the taxation of all bills of costs. Bv THE COURT, R. G. DANIELL, Regr. The loth day of March, 1908. The following is a copy of the Regulations of the zsth February, 1907, referred to in above Order:— IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE IN IRELAND. KING'S BENCH DIVISION (IN BANKRUPTCY). Regulations as to payments of Costs on Sales, and as to Fees for Attendances before the Chief Registrar. i. When the solicitor for the mortgagees has carriage of the sale of mortgaged property, he shall pay all the necessary and proper fees and costs payable to the solicitor for the assignees in relation to the purchase deed and the execution thereof, and shall include them in his own bill of costs relating to such sale. He shall also cause a copy of the purchase deed to be placed on the file of proceedings in the matter, and charge the costs of making and filing such copy in his said bills of costs. z. When the Solicitor for the Assignees has carriage of the sale of mortgaged property, he shall include all similar items (whether payable to himself or to another Solicitor appointed to represent the estate) in his bill of costs relating to the sale and payable out of the proceeds of such sale. He shall also file a copy of the purchase deed, and charge the costs thereof in his said bill of costs.
These directions shall apply (in the absence of any order or consent made a Rule of Court to the contrary) whether the proceeds of the sale shall be sufficient to pay the mortgage debt (or debts) or otherwise, and the solicitor for the assignees shall not include in his general bill of costs any items that should be paid out of the proceeds of the sale of the mortgaged property under the above direc tions. 3. Item Number 98 in the Schedule of Costs and Fees shall apply to sittings or meetings required to be held by the Statutes or General Rules, or before the Chief Registrar under a special order of the Court, but shall not'apply to oth'er appointments which appear in the lists of the Chief Registrar or other officer, which shall be dealt with under Item 72. Approved, WALTER BOYD. The'zt,th day of February, 1907. Civil Bill Court (Dublin). THE following Order in Council has been made directing that the civil business of the Civil Bill Court of county Dublin, now trans acted at Kilmainham, be transacted for the future at Green Street Courthouse, Dublin :— By the Lords Justices and Privy Council in Ireland. S. WALKER, C. :—- Whereas it is expedient that the business 'of the Civil Bill Court of the county of Dublin, usually transacted at the Courthouse, Kilmain ham, in the county of Dublin, be transacted at the Sessions Courthouse, Green Street, in the county of the city of Dublin. Now, We, the Lords Justices General and General Governors of Ireland, by and with the advice and consent of His Majesty's Privy Council in Ireland, in pursuance of the powers in Us vested by the County Officers and Courts (Ireland) Act, 1877, and every other power enabling Us thereunto, do hereby order that all the civil business of the Civil Bill Court of the county of Dublin, now transacted at the Courthouse, Kilmainham, in the county of Dublin, be transacted in the Sessions Court house, Green Street, Dublin. Given at the Council Chamber, Dublin Castle, this 3oth day of March, 1908. JOHN Ross. H. A. ROBINSON.
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