Court of Examiners Minutes 1917-1939
THE INCOBPOEATED LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND. EXAMIXATIOXS RESULTS. At the Preliminary Examination for candi dates applying to become apprentices to solicitors, held upon the 29th and 30th May, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit :— 1. Edward J. H. Hopkins. 2. John A. Orr. 3. Vincent P. M'Gahan. 4. Hewitt B. Jellett. 5. Alexander M. Ilealy. C. Thomas P. A. M'Veigh. 7. Joseph Fisher. Joseph C. Erskine, James I-Ianna, Tliomas O'Jv'eill, and John J. Walsh passed the modified preliminary examination, for which they had liberty to present themselves. The remaining candidates are postponed. Preliminary Examinations Prises, 1918-19. A Special Certificate lias been awarded to James F. K. Anderson. At the Final Examination for apprentices applying to be admitted as solicitors, held upon the 21st, 22nd, and 23rd May, the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit:— 1. Robert C. Bathurst. 2. Robert J. Swccney, B.A.N.U.I. 3. Samuel II. Forsytlie. S. William H. Kenny. 9. Eraucis J. M'Kenna.
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4. Michael Moloney. 5. Frederick C. Ellis. 0. Richard D. Orr, B.A.T.C.D. 7. Noel M. J. Purcell. 8. James M. Scales. 9. James J. Blake. 10. Robert H. Commius. 11. Francis I. Clinch. 12. William S. Barrett. 13. George P. MacLaughlin.
The Council have awarded Silver Medals to Robert C. Bathurst and Robert J. Sweeuey, B.A.N.U.I., and Special Certificates to .Samuel H. Forsythe and Michael Moloney. The remaining candidate is postponed. By Order, WM. GEO. WAKET.Y, Secretary. Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Duslin, Uih June, 1910.
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