Court of Examiners Minutes 1893 -1906
THE INCOBPOBATED LAW SOCIETY OF IBELAND. HILAKI SITTINGS EXAMINATION. At the preliminary examination of candidates seeking to become apprentices to solicitors, held upon the 2nd and 3rd instants, the following were allowed the. examina tion, and their names are arranged in order of merit:— 1. Leonard Webb 2. Patrick J. 3. Alexander D. Orr 4. Henry J. Egan 5: Wm. Kelly 6. Joseph Delany 13. James C. B. Lardner 14. Thomas Anderson 15. Henry Campbell 16. Angus F.B. Mackintosh
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17. Andrew A: Wells 18. John G. W. Sirde 19. Wm. Dillon 20. Ivan H. Young 21. Thos. H. O'Borke 22. Bobert M'Kane 23; Austin G. Macaulay
7. Joseph A. Collins 8. Patrick Masterson 9. John Wm. Simpson 10: Henry J. O'Neill 11. Patrick Coll 12. Bobert A. Corscadden
John Henderson passed the Special Preliminary Examinatioh, for which he had liberty to present him self. ; The remaining candidates have been postponed. At the final examination of apprentices seeking ad mission as solicitors, held upon 6th and 7th instants, the following were allowed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit '.— 1. Alfred J. Crawford
14. Daniel P. Blayney 15. Robert Henderson 16. John James Leech 17. Wm. Thos. Sugrue 18. John P. Carrigan 19. Thos. H. O'Brien 20. James Lawlor 21. W. W. M'N. Williams 22. Mark A. Toomey 23. Anthony Hawkesworth
2. Florence E. M'Carthy 3. FrederickW.G, Camp bell 4. Joseph P. Cosgreave 5. Wm. Horner ' 6. Wm. W. Thotnhill 7. B. M'Clure Byron 8. B. Bobinson Black 9. John Wm. Simpson 10. Joseph A. M. Steele 11. Nathaniel Tughan 12. Henry B. Hunt 13. David Foley
24. Charles S. Kenny 25. Andrew D. Comyu 26. Charles Vint 27. Cornelius J. Bafferty The remaining candidates have been postponed. The Court of Examiners have awarded special certi ficates to Alfred J. Crawford, Florence F. M'Carthy, and;Frederick W. G. Campbell. (By order), WM. GEO. WAKBLY, Secretary. Solicitors' Buildings, E*bur Courts, Dublin, 29th Jan., 1896.
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