Court of Examiners Minutes 1893 -1906
At the preliminary examination of candidates seeking to become apprentices to solicitors, held on the 20th and 21st May, the following were allowed the examination, and their' names are arranged in order of merit :— 1. James A. Pringle
13. George M. Franck 1 i. Chas. M. Boyton 15. James M'Donnell 16. Vincent P Kennedy 17. Wm. F. Mulligan 18. Geo. D. C. Hamilton 19. Edward Leahy 20. Penrose C. Morris 21. Thomas E. Alexander 22. John Elgee 23. Samuel M'C. Russell 24. Parnell Gale ".. __
2. Charles A. Williams 3. Patrick J. Meehan 4. Richard C. Meredith 5. Robert B. Malcomson 6. John R. Brennan 1. Frederick E. Kennedy
8. Michael Crowe 9. John J. Magee 10. John L. Harris 11. Wm. S. Walsh 12r Wm. E. Orr
4. .X
P. J. Kavanagh has passed the special preliminary ' examination, for which he had liberty to present him- • self. * ' The remaining candidates have been postponed. PRELIMINARY EXAMINATIONS' PRIZES, 1894-95. The Court of Examiners have awarded a gold medal to Henry Marshall, a silver medal to Florence M'Carthy, and special certificates to L. A. Kennedy, J. T. Sweeny, C. J. P. Farrell, Robert Quigg, J. A. Pringle, and C. A. Williams. At the final examination of apprentices seeking to be admitted solicitors, held on the 22nd and 23rd May, the following candidates were allowed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit:— 1. Bartholomew Collins 2. John Pride B.A.,
15. Robert Burke, T.C.D. 16. Bertram G. Alien 17. Edward M. F. Boyle 18. Samuel Kerr 19. Charles W. Russell 20. William M'C. Wilson, B.A., T.C.D. 21. James Kennedy 22. Frederick H. Kennedy 23. R. Norman Brown 24. William Chartres 25. James W. Davis 26. Bernard J. Sweeney 27. Ernest J. Shaw
3. John Henry Walsh 4. Alexander M. Lyons 5. Joseph M'Dermott 6. Charles P. Tracy 7. Robert J. Aiken 8. John F. Young, B.A., T.C.D. 9. Arthur W. H. Stanfield
10. John H. Tomb 11. John Alexander 12. Peter M'Ginu, B.A., > R.U.I. 13. Bryan Adams 14. Patrick J. Magee The remaining candidates are postponed.
The Court of Examiners have awarded silver medals to Bartholomew Collins and John Pride, and special certificates to John Henry Walsh and Alexander M. Lyons. By Order, WM. GEO. WAKELT, Secretary. Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, 19th June, 1895.
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