Court of Examiners Minutes 1893 -1906



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THE INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND. SOLICITORS' APPRENTICES' INTER­ MEDIATE EXAMINATION. At the intermediate examination for appren­ tices to solicitors held upon 3rd insfc the foll«w- i ing candidates psssed the examination :•*- Allon, George; Allingham, Wm B; Armstrong, Ow«n H; Beattie, Wmj Birney, Robfc; Oarroll, Rcdmond J; Clark, Edward; Cohnolly, Henry G; Craip, A S; CraiK, Herbert V; Crawford, Robt K; C rowley, Fra L; Crosier, Frtis E M, jun; Devine, Francis; Diamond, John W; Kastwood, Samuel, juu; Ellis, Arthur T; English, Eobt D; FitzGerald, Michafil E; FtenofjaD, Tlios B; Fox, Bernard: Fox, Roger; French, Edward J; Fry, Wm Hi Fullfrton, Henrjr'J S; Garvey, John C; Gleeson.Wm J; Harte, Edward; tlaaly, Nichola*; Henry, Wm; Heron, Thos M; Killeen, Michaol; Kirk, Martin H; Law, Claude J, Little, Joseph A; Lloyd, Wiltnot C; Maguire, Wm P; Martin, Wm A F; Mar,!i»son, Rnbt N; Mayne, Henry P; Meenafl, Louis A; Mitchell, Jas D ; Holes, Jas F; Moore, Oh»s S;'Moore, Jas J; Mullan, Fredk H: M'Dermott, Wm S; M'TJonnell, John J; M'Gonigal, Hu(;h; M'Kay, Joseph; M'Koown, Wilzon; O'Bi'ien, Chas Ge<>; O'Donnell, Jas E; O'Farrell, Stanislaus M J ; O'Fljan. Patrick; O'Hagap, Edward; 0'Neill,.Jo»epb; "Oriisbv^'A I;. Orr, Robert C; ,Rr.a, J "XT W? JJea^ ". Wm ; Riekard, John, jwh; Encbe, Wm li; Roe, John W; Rothwell, Tlio« Moffatt; Ryan, Engene ; Spott, Robt H; Shefl, Nieholas C; Slean, Felix if';'Sroyth£johu E; Swayne, Edmund A; Tughan, Wm: Tweedy, Richard T; White, Frederick Wm; White, Gerald S; Wilson, Ernest T S; Wilson, Norman; Wray, Join. , The remaining candida^e• »re postpocsd.


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