Court of Examiners Minutes 1893 -1906



THE INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY OP IKELAND. HILABS SITTINGS EXAMINATIONS, 1898. At the Preliminary Examination of candidates seek ing to be bound as Apprentices to Solicitors, held Upon the 4th and 5th inst., the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit:— li Arthur S. Coulter 3. Robert C. Orr 7. Frederick G. Dickson 8. Francis P. Johnstou 9. Ernest T. S. Wilson John Minton passed the Special Preliminary Exami nation, for which he had liberty to present himself. 1 The remaining candidates are postponed. At the Final Examination of Apprentices seeking to| be admitted Solicitors, held upon Bth and 7th inst., the following passed the examination, and their names are arranged in order of merit :— 8. Geoffrey A. Dunlop 4. Henry S. Tomlmson 6. Henry P, Mayua 6. Robert Elder 10. Robert D. English 11. Michael J. Bowers 12. Michael Doyle

1. John Duff, B.A., R.U.I. 2. Arthur S. Megaw, B.A., R.U.I. 3. Robert N. Keohler 4. John R. Whyte 5. William Roohe, B.A., T.C.D. 6. Aiusworth Barr 7. R. A. W. Andrews, B.A., T.C.D.

8. John F. Ennis 9. Charles J. Roberts 10. Martin J. Burke ; 11. Sydney G. Babiugton,. B.A., T.C.D. 12. J. Patterson Best 13. Edward Rounds, B.A., T.C.D. ! 14. Daniel J. O'Callaghan J 15. Edward A. Shaw

The Court of Examiners have awarded silver medals to John Duff and Arthur S. Megaw, and special cer tificates to Robert N. Koehler aud John R. Whyte. The remaining candidates are postponed. By order, WM. GEO. WAKBLY, Secretary. Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, 26th January, 1898.

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